Ima 'Single core'
When you plug in your self-fit OBD box, a red LED light will flash. This shows it’s working. Once you’ve plugged in your self-fit box and we’re receiving a signal, you’ll receive an email asking you to set up your driving feedback account. If you haven’t received this email it may be a sign that something’s wrong, and you should give us a call to check on 0333 2309 272.
When you plug in your ingenie 12v box into your 12v socket (blue tip first), press firmly until it’s securely in place. After a few seconds you should see a green ring on top of the box to let you know it’s connected. Then turn on your ignition for a couple of minutes to make sure your socket has power. You’ll then receive an email asking you to set up your feedback account. If you haven’t received this email it may be a sign that something’s wrong, and you should give us a call to check on 0333 2309 272.
9116pwpadmin is the author
ingenie - Insurance
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