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Hey, things change. If you need to change the car on your insurance, just speak to us on live chat and we’ll go through updating your details with you.
Keep in mind that the car is part of how our insurers work out how much your insurance will cost, so you may need to pay some extra – or we might even give you money back. If you’re planning on buying a new car, be sure to check that your insurance will cover it. It’s also a good idea before you buy the car, to check how much more it might be compared to what you already pay.
There’s a £30 admin charge for making changes to your insurance.
If you’ve got a self-fit black box, we’ll advise you whether you can still use it in the new car or if we need to send you a new device. In most cases you’ll be able to take your self-fit box with you and plug it into your new car. If you need help finding your OBD port, you can use the location checker on our help page.
9116pwpadmin is the author
ingenie - Insurance
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